Storage space is never limitless - even in the largest houses. At some point your basement or attic is simply filled. Once this happens the garage is the last remaining space that can be used for storage. At first it may only be the tires and rims of your car, gardening utensils and other large sports equipment. But often enough a garage turns into a space to store your wines, food and old memorabilia. So think of how you want to use your garage often you get the most out of its space by combining it with the right garage door - and even a garage does not have limitless space. when designing their garage doors, so that neither you, your children, nor your pets are in any way endangered.
How to best use the space of the garage as a storage place
Beware of the weather
Another important advice: While you may store plants in your garage, make sure that it is sufficiently isolated - in the end a garage door is not the only place of entry for the cold. Without a solid, well isolated garage your plants may not survive the winter since temperatures can fall well below 0 C° even with the best door isolation. So make sure not to store frost-sensitive materials in your garage.
Even a well-built garage will not guarantee a safe climate for plants or temperature sensitive foods such as wine, potatoes or fruit. However, in combination with a well-insulated garage door a solidly built garage will give you the opportunity to use the garage as fully-fledged storage space for most things that are close to your heart.
Shelves bring order to your household
The best way to keep your garage tidy while storing many things is a well-placed shelving system. Pay attention to the material of these shelves: The garage door will open regularly even in bad weather, so the shelves should be able to withstand even harsh weather conditions. Systems made of metal are particularly stable, weather-resistant and practically maintenance free. Just make sure to fixate the shelves to the walls to avoid them from tipping over once they house heavier loads.
All in its proper place
For some uses - like a workbench - you need to have a more customized shelving system. Custom wall mounts are available that are specifically tailored to the garage setting allowing you to store specific items in the best way possible in the place you decide. There are several different wall mounts even allowing you to hang bicycles and tyres on the wall to save as much space as possible. It is best to attach such systems to the side walls, but make sure that you can still comfortably open the doors of your car on both sides. These wall mounts should therefore be mounted with sufficient distance to the car to avoid danger to the riders and the car.
Hanging Systems
If your garage has solid walls, you can even implement so-called ceiling lifts, which hold an elevated platform with a pull system or brackets. These make hanging systems even more convenient to use as you can lower the equipment whenever necessary.
Again, remember to make sure that your garage is high enough to implement this system. Besides your car, taller people should be able to confidently move inside your garage without risking injury. The lowest edge of this secondary platform system should therefore be at least two meters high. In addition, you must pay attention to the maximum load capacity. Maximum loads capacities may depend on the ceiling lift and the garage ceiling itself.